Happy Sunday, friends. It’s time for Staff infections. You know the drill: We listen to shit, you listen to shit, we talk some shit, and hopefully we all have a grand old time.
Speaking of shit, I’ve been feeling like it lately. The great thing about late middle age is parts of you need barely any reason to hurt. Slept “wrong?” Prepare for pain. Rain in the forecast? That arthritis is going to act up. Did you exercise? You dumb bastard, that shit is for young people. Did you sit still for too long? Bad idea. Did you move? Worse idea. Theoretically, I’m in decent shape for my age, and despite an ever-increasing list of injuries, I can still do most of the things I want to… except feel good. Feeling good is over, apparently. Cherish your youth if you have any left. Live it up, and have as much fun as you can, but try not to fuck yourself up, unless your being very well paid to do so. All the shit that doesn’t hurt now is going to come back and bite you in the ass later. Up to this point this rant hasn’t had shit to do with metal, but let me leave you with one last piece of advice: WEAR HEARING PROTECTION. I know concerts don’t sound as good with earplugs, but, speaking from experience, tinnitus is no fucking fun. Furthermore, ear plugs are a lot better at delivering a full spectrum of sound than they used to be, and a decent set is pretty affordable. I’ve been using Eargasm plugs for a while, and I’m pretty happy with them. Thank you for listening to my old man rant. Live long, prosper, and protect your fucking ears.
Now, let’s talk about the album of the month. We have an “everybody gets a trophy” situation this month. It’s a god-damned five-way tie for first place, and there’s no runner-up. Not Surprisingly, Overkill takes a share of the prize this month. The thrash legend’s latest, Scorched, has been well received around here and most other places. Andy Almonds has an honestly biased review for you here. Next, we have an over-the-top, brutal death metal concept album in Homo Deus from Germany’s Still Birth. If that sounds like it’s up your alley, Spencer has the dirt on it here. On an entirely different note is Voyage, the freshly-released second album from retro-traditional metal act Tanith. El Capitan can fill you in on Voyage here. Penultimately, we have some prog-rock in the form of A Spark in the Aether from The Tangent. Finally, in a much more metal vein, and moving up from a second-place finish last month, comes Triumpher’s debut, the epic Storming the Walls, epically reviewed by the Danhammer here.
As usual, please share your playlist in the comments, and have a listen to the staff-curated Spotify playlist below. For our group discussion, please share with us the loudest concert you have attended. It’s a difficult question, as most of us don’t walk around with a decibel meter, but I can tell you that I’ve never been hit with a wall of sound quite like I was when I saw Godflesh open for Danzig in 1994. Glenn Danzig may be an asshole, but back then he didn’t have any problem with his opening acts playing really fucking loud. Type-O Negative followed Godflesh, and they weren’t exactly quiet either.
That’ll do it for this edition. When you’re done posting your playlist, go outside and play. See you all next month.
- Zach Duvall
TDK – Nemesta
Devin Townsend – Lightwork
Meshuggah – Chaosphere
Low – Ones and Sixes
Triumpher – Storming the Walls
Bruxa Maria – Build Yourself a Shrine and Pray - Spencer Hotz
Stillbirth – Homo Deus
The Black Dahlia Murder – Full Discography
Vėlių Namai – Alkai
Primitive Rage – Enemies Left To Crush
Hammers of Misfortune – The Locust Years
BAAZLVAAT – Incredible World - Sir William of Ur-Sag
Wytch Hazel – Wytch Hazel IV: Sacrament
Alvvays – Blue Rev
Immolation – Acts of G-d
Helen Humes – Songs I Like to Sing!
Nothing – The Great Dismal
Physique – Again - Ryan Tysinger
Ascended Dead – Evenfall of the Apocalypse
Morbid Angel – Formulas Fatal to the Flesh
Gorguts – From Wisdom to Hate
Baazlvaat – Incredible World
Nile – Amongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Ka
Vulvanic – ブラックエンジェルの色合い / 秘密の夜の殺人者 - Danhammer Obstkrieg
Industrial Puke – Born Into the Twisting Rope
Tanith – Voyage
Dozer – Drifting in the Endless Void
Sick Sinus Syndrome – Swarming of Sickness
London Brew – London Brew
Kaito – Until the End of Time - Andrew Edmunds
Overkill – Scorched
Genesis – Trespass
Stillbirth – Homo Deus
Steppenwolf – Monster
Combat Wounded Veteran – This Is Not An Erect, All-Red Neon Body
The Tangent – A Spark In The Aether - Dave Pirtle
Mudhoney – Plastic Eternity
Liquorworks – Parasitus Apparatus
Storm Seeker – Nautic Force
Overkill – Scorched
Outlaw – Reaching Beyond Assiah
Red Rum – Book of Legends - Captain
Warlord – Deliver Us
Virgin Steele – The Marriage of Heaven & Hell I & II
Sacred Outcry – Towers of Gold
Domine – Champion Eternal
Edena Gardens – Agar
Poison Ruïn – Härvest - Lone Watie
Anthem – Crimson & Jet Black
Triumpher – Storming the Walls
Deposed King – One Man’s Grief
Majestica – Above the Sky
Godspeed You! Black Emperor – Raise Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven
The Tangent – Discography - Jeremy Morse
Slough Feg – New Organon
Immortal – Damned in Black
Enforced – War Remains
High Command – Beyond the Wall of Desolation
Tanith – Voyage
Nile – At the Gates of Sethu
Brian Eno & Harold Budd – The Pearl
Jessie Ware – That! Feels Good!
Tim Hecker – Konoyo
Spirit Possession – Of the Sign…
Dødheimsgard – Black Medium Current
UFO – Phenomenon
Arguably the loudest concert I ever attended was Testament at Mississippi Nights in St. Louis, in the summer of 1988. I believe if you would have backed the Concord into that club and run the engines at maximum capacity, it couldn’t have been any louder. My ears rang for a solid week after.
Tool – Undertow
Metallica – 72 Seasons
Lo! – The Gleaners
The Ocean – Pelagial
Sleep – Dopesmoker
Seeing Tool / The Melvins back in 2002 left my ears ringing for about 2 weeks afterwards and left me wondering whether I had permanently damaged my hearing. Seeing as no other concert had my ears ringing for more than a day or two, I’m guessing the answer is yes. I’ll second the use of good earplugs.
Question – Doomed Passages
Insomnium – Anno 1696
Belphegor – The Devils
Void Ceremony – Threads of Unknowing
Encounter Truth – Panspermia
Spectral Wound – A Diabolic Thirst
Mortuous – Upon Desolation
Wodensthrone – Loss
Wodensthrone – Curse
Loudest concert? (what did you say?). Metallica, 1986 in Philadelphia. They opened for Ozzy.
Funny you mention earplugs. I just got some recently, after decades of listening to loud music, and other loud activities. I have developed bad tinnitus. As you said, it sucks. Sometimes it seems to kick into high gear suddenly, startling; other times it is more subdued, but its always there, 24 hours a day. So that is good advice about earplugs. I will wear them for the first time in a few weeks at a concert with Vader and Hate. Cant wait. I will have to get over looking like a dork.
Blood Star – First Sighting
Voidceremony – Threads of Unknowing
Blazon Rite – Wild Rites and Ancient Songs
Blood Ceremony – The Old Ways Remain
Enforcer – Nostalgia
Smoulder – Violent Creed of Vengeance
Loudest concert I can recall was prolly Boris in the late 2010s sometime