All posts by Isaac Hams

Best Of 2024 – Isaac Hams: Silly Words For Significant Things

The end, yep. Here it is. Was it worth it getting to this point? With all the rigamarole of your personal life? You’re a mess. The world is a mess. Two messes intertwining like a

Aara – Eiger Review

Free Solo is the story of a death and doom-defying mountaineer. It scared the shit out of me in an instinctual way, like the thick cloak of night might in an unfamiliar forest. Ascending the

Mother Of Graves – The Periapt Of Absence Review

Smoke rises from a dirty ashtray and drifts over the side table toward the yellowing windows. September has bled into October, unusually warm, and time seems to have stopped altogether. Day after day, the same.

Diamonds & Rust: Type O Negative – World Coming Down

SKIP IT Believe it or not, the author of this article has not always been a beacon of handsome joy. The Isaac of the late 2000s was not a man of constant sorrow, per se,

Sur Austru – Datura Străhiarelor Review

Folk metal appears to be going through a pariah phase these days. Of course, genre popularity ebbs and flows with the tide of public opinion, but this once-booming scene of the mid-aughts has fallen on

Kvaen – The Formless Fires Review

Let’s get an unfortunate truth out of the way – I’m a sucker for a solo project. There’s a romance to them, no? The lone wolf, armed with ideas too fierce (or perhaps too rigid)

Vestindien – Verdande Review

Foreword: Typically the foreword of a written work is not written by the author of the main work itself, the intent being to give an outside, enlightening perspective on the author and/or to give historical