All posts by Jeremy Morse

Riffs or GTFO.

Staff Infections – May 2023

Happy Sunday, friends. It’s time for Staff infections. You know the drill: We listen to shit, you listen to shit, we talk some shit, and hopefully we all have a grand old time. Speaking of

Staff Infections – April 2023

Hello, dear friends and loyal readers. Journey with me once more into the minds of the Last Rites staff, as we discover just what kind of music has been massaging the ears of these champions

Staff Infections – March 2023

Greetings, dear readers. Here’s hoping you and yours are safe and sound after the storms that have whipped through a fair portion of the country in the past week or so. However, if you’re huddled

Staff Infections – February 2023

Howdy, partners. Here’s hoping you’ve come through the arctic blast safe and sound. Why don’t you brew yourself something hot and spend a few minutes with your pals at Last Rites. It’s time for Staff

Staff Infections – January 2023

Alright, dear readers, the infection has returned, stronger and more virulent than ever before. Eh, realistically, older and weaker is probably more accurate. Sorry for the layoff, but we traditionally skip Staff Infections in December,

Staff Infections – October 2022

Howdy, friends. It is time for Staff Infections, wherein we, the Last Rites staff, share what we’ve been listening to, you share what you’ve been listening to, and, hopefully, we all come away inspired to

Staff Infections – September 2022

Hello, loyal readers of Last Rites. It is time once again for you all to get a gander at what the heck we’ve been listening to for the last month, in a little feature we

Staff Infections – August 2022

Howdy, friends and neighbors. It’s time to see what your Last Rites pals have been listening to in a little piece we call Staff Infections. Someday, if you’re all unlucky, I might tell you why