All posts by Mirela Travar

Passionately want to do everything.

An Interview with While Heaven Wept – A Look at the Oceans With Tom Phillips

Usually, this is the part where I’d write the intro to the article. This time, I’ll let this conversation between myself and Tom Phillips, one of the founding members of While Heaven Wept, speak for itself.

Malthusian Lurks from the Hengiform – New EP and Interview

You ever get that feeling that music takes you to a dark place? Of course you do, you’re metal fans. Some darkness comes from the blackest of metals, leaving you cold and alone (Katharsis, Ayat); some

Farewell Dearest Altar of Plagues, Hello Malthusian – A Tale of Irish-Balkan Union

It’s hard to write about a show when you’ve worked up such expectations of it that your head wants to explode. No, wait, I’m doing this all in medias res. Let’s start from the beginning. I

Killfest Tour 2015 – When Sanctuary Met Overkill

It is with the fullest heart that I greet you dearest readers of Last Rites. It has been a while since I showed my figurative face around these parts, and I can truly say that

Alcest / While Heaven Wept / Primordial – A Show For The Ages

You know that Fleetwood Mac song, Man Of The World? Shall I tell you about my life They say I’m a man of the world I’ve flown across every tide And I’ve seen lots of

What’s New In The Black Forests Of Panslavia?

It’s been awhile since my opening installment of the Panslavian Black Forests, and much has been going on in the (Slavic) metal world. Bands of all types have been issuing albums weekly, and it just

Black Forests Of Panslavia

In the world of Slavic black(ened) metal, you’re most likely to find these three things: awesome music, an awful lot of hilarious-looking bands that like to dress up and play flute in the forest, and,