REZN – Chaotic Divine Review
[Artwork by Allyson Medeiros] So you have probably noticed that everything is terrible right now. Not End Times bad, and maybe The End wouldn’t be the worst, because at least then we’d all be dead. …
Vous Autres – Sel De Pierre Review
Cover artwork by Romain Barbot French black metal stands proudly, shoulder to shoulder with their Scandanavian and American brethren, having provided the world with gloriously hateful music since the second wave. Bands like Merrimack, Deathspell …
Palaces – Hellas Chasma Review
Hellas Chasma doesn’t fuck around, so neither will we. “Swarm” launches out of the gate with some serious gusto, just a squeal of feedback, a quick stomping rhythm section intro, and a scream to let …
Radiant Knife – The Body + The Ghost Review
[Cover art by Terry Grow] If I told you there’s a sludge band from Louisiana that you need to check out, you would probably assume they sound like Eyehategod, Crowbar, or perhaps Soilent Green. But …
Resin Tomb ‒ Resin Tomb Review
Fast Rites: because sometimes brevity is fundamental. A confession: I saw this name and immediately thought of Cannabis Corpse’s Tube of the Resinated and got really excited for some sort of stonery death-sludge, then I …
Unborn Suffer – Commit(ment To) Suicide Review
Unborn Suffer have 25* songs for you. You need only set aside 33 minutes to experience those songs. There are samples, and popcorn drums, and vocals from the bottom of the gutter. If you guessed …