All posts by Zach Duvall

Last Rites Co-Owner; Senior Editor; Obnoxious overuser of baseball metaphors.

Autopsy – Ashes, Organs, Blood And Crypts Review

[Cover art by Wes Benscoter] Chris Reifert sure has been busy, eh? Two Autopsy albums, two Static Abyss albums, and a Siege of Power album all released in the last two years. But hey, Greg

Malokarpatan – Vertumnus Caesar Review

[Cover art by Astrid Bergdahl] Malokarpatan is an incredibly rare breed of band. Not so much in style, as their medieval, folklore-charged, melodic and progressive black metal isn’t all too rare over metal’s history, but

Disguised Malignance – Entering The Gateways Review

There are countless ways for bands to get going, but a couple that tend to prove smart sit at the opposite end of a certain spectrum. First, and most common, is taking established style and

Blood Oath – Lost In An Eternal Silence Review

[Cover art by Nox Fragor Art] We here at Last Rites are big believers in Chilean metal, with Mr. Tysinger in particular championing the scene. Something really tying a lot of the active acts together,

Cannibal Corpse – Chaos Horrific Review

[Cover art by Vince Locke, of course] Few bands can claim to have the type of impeccable track record as that of Cannibal Corpse, who for over three decades may never have written even a

KEN Mode – VOID Review

[Cover art by Randy Ortiz] The current kings of heavy noise last graced our ears not even a year ago with NULL, which served two purposes: first, to continue KEN mode’s pretty flawless track record,

Fleshvessel – Yearning: Promethean Fates Sealed Review

[Cover art by Carlos Agraz] I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but life is A LOT, friends. Beyond your own dealings with career and family and social scenes and whatever else you might have going

WAR Masters – A Completely Serious Analysis Of Metal And Baseball

Happy All Star Break, folks. Or, if you aren’t a baseball fan, enjoy the least exciting week in all of sports, when very little is going on except ESPN’s incessant coverage of the same 10