Category: Ask 2 Idiots

Last Rites Presents: Ask 2 Idiots — The Lugubrum Trio ‘Plage Chômage’ Edition

Over the last several weeks, we (the two idiots… The Ask 2 Idiots) have received hundreds of thousands of letters from all over world asking two specific questions: 1) What happened to you idiots, and

Last Rites “Proudly” Presents: Ask 2 Idiots, The Spring Edition!

Welcome to another life-changing edition of… Last Rites Presents: Ask 2 Idiots! In ancient times, the “village idiot” was a well-respected figure that played an important role in day-to-day life. If someone nailed a loose chicken

Last Rites Presents: Ask 2 Idiots

Welcome to another transformative edition of… Last Rites Presents: Ask 2 Idiots! In ancient times, the “village idiot” was a well-respected figure that played an important role not only in day-to-day life, but also in Victorian

Last Rites Presents: Ask 2 Idiots

Hello and welcome to another sensational installment of… Last Rites Presents: Ask 2 Idiots! As you may have guessed from the title, we are two wild and crazy idiots that are also BFFAEs. As we’ve told

Last Rites Presents: Ask 2 Idiots

Hello and welcome to another exciting installment the first installment of Last Rites Presents: Ask 2 Idiots! As you may have guessed from the title, we are two idiots. In ancient times, the “village idiot”