Tag: Atvm

Best of 2021 – Lone Watie: It Helps To Know What You Got

When I sat down to work out an introduction to my best of list, I already had a long, loud list in my head of grievances and shames and laments. They’re certainly valid, most of

Best Of 2021 – Ryan Tysinger: Stand By For Exciter, Or The Whole Glory Of 2021

For the longest time, metal was an unexplored desire. It was kept closeted away by fifteen-year old Ryan. Swept up in 80s hardcore punk at the time, I had little time or patience for anything

Best Of 2021 – Zach Duvall: Rank And Tear Until It Is Done

Uh-oh. Hello. Hello again. I’ve never had as tough a time putting together a snapshot list of heavy metal albums as I did in 2021. Part of that is because I generally spend a lower

Best Of 2021 – Last Rites Combined Staff Top 25

Is it the human compulsion to list that truly sets us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom? Until someone comes across a crudely scratched out “Top 20 Most Embarrassing Things Heard During Morning

Best Of 2021 – Our Album Art Favorites

No matter what your freshman English teacher once told you when she caught you sneaking Once Upon the Cross in one ear instead of listening to her drone on about Keats, heavy metal is music.