Tag: Avant-garde

Thy Catafalque – XII: A Gy​ö​ny​ö​rü Álmok Ezut​á​n J​ö​nnek Review

Front cover artwork by Dániel Szécsényi and Tamás Kátai The list of descriptors for Tamás Kátai’s Thy Catafalque is long and varied. Consult any online source, ask any fan, and you’ll be buried in any

Oranssi Pazuzu – Muuntautuja Review

It’s hard to believe that it’s been over 15 years since Oranssi Pazuzu delivered their dynamite debut Muukalainen puhuu, because never in the years since has it failed to feel fresh, nor has the band

Doedsmaghird – Omniverse Consciousness Review

Here’s a funny thing for someone ostensibly in the business of making words about sounds: sometimes I just… don’t wanna. Sure, like a desperately hungry squirrel misunderstanding the meaning of “no nut November,” sometimes I

Papangu – Lampi​ã​o Rei Review

Cover artwork by Eduardo Ver Papangu’s debut album, Holoceno, was a resounding success in 2021, even making that year’s Last Rites Combined Staff Top 25. Four longtime friends from João Pessoa, Brazil, had somehow found

VHS – For A Few Riffs More Review

[Cover artwork by Christopher Diaz] A gust of wind hurls a pocket of dirt into the boiling western air, and a tumbleweed scurries inches behind two boots planted firmly in the ground. The silhouette of

Malconfort – Humanism Review

fore, perfect in its role. If you look closely, the German word Sprache (language or speech) is written across a closed eyelid. Is this abstruse symbolism? Is it vapid provocation? Who cares? This guy here

Ulcerate – Cutting The Throat Of God Review

Sometimes, I’m my own worst enemy. Like many of you, I often dwell on the thought of my mortality, my fears, and my failures. And this piece isn’t meant to be some sentimental anecdote or

Stagnant Waters – Rifts Review

If you have found yourself thinking lately, “Boy, I sure am glad that the world around me makes so much sense, and I’m really enjoying the sensation of thinking clearly,” you might want to talk