Tag: Black Metal

Wurdulac – Lurking Hand Of Fate Review

It’s arguable that the earliest seeds of black metal were planted when Robert Johnson first fell to his knees at the Crossroads. The turn to darkness is a Hail Mary–all faith is lost, the temptation

Wolves In The Throne Room – Primordial Arcana Review

Wolves In the Throne room has always been a band that seems fully encompassed by nature. The way of the woods, mountains and rivers doesn’t enter their music simply through words, but in a rare

Craven Idol – Forked Tongues Review

[album art by Eliran Kantor] It is always nice to be reminded that even in a thumbnail world, album art matters and can still elicit strong reactions. Chances are pretty good that metalheads, in general,

Crimson Dimension – Crimson Dimension Review

Once upon a time long ago in a land of reefer madness, radio play that mattered and VW buses, the idea of a band jamming was considered a good thing. Its two greatest references were

Dordeduh – Har Review

[Cover Art by Costin Chioreanu] For those unfamiliar with the history of Dordeduh, the band formed from the splintering of the original trio behind Negură Bunget in 2009. After having released their now-iconic album Om

Wampyric Rites – The Eternal Melancholy Of The Wampyre Review

Is black metal real? Sheath your quills and hold your emails, please. Yes, of course black metal is real in the sense that it is comprised of actual sounds, rhythms, melodies, vibrations of the tympanic

Caedes Cruenta – Of Ritual Necrophagia And Mysterious Ghoul Cults Review

[Cover art by Christopher Moyen] Heavy music fans regularly reach for their favorite black metal records during the snow-filled months of winter. The motherlands of its inception and frigid sounds/atmospheres utilized through the past few

MRTVI – Omniscient Hallucinatory Delusion Review

Don your best tinfoil cap before listening to MRTVI. You’ll need all the protection you can get as this weirdo music short-circuits your frontal lobe causing it to fire off all sorts of thoughts you