Tag: Cannibal Corpse

A Devil’s Dozen – Cannibal Corpse
Simply put, Cannibal Corpse is one of the greatest death metal bands ever. Period. End of story. They may not be on your personal Mount Rushmore of the best, but discussing the genre’s history and …

Best Of 2023: Andrew Edmunds – I Used To Be Indecisive, But Now I’m Not Sure
So the stupid title that I gave this thing is both a terrible dad joke and a sad truth, in the sense of that, whenever I’m compelled to make these year-end lists (which seems to …

Best of 2021 – Spencer Hotz: There’s No Drift In This Joy-Con
Well lookie here, flat Earth has been frisbeed around the moon once again. This lovely year under our lizard overlords saw a shaman take over the capitol, cucks inject 5G into their arms to become …

Best Of 2021: Andrew Edmunds: Last Night, I Crossed The Road, Walked Into A Bar, And Changed A Lightbulb. I Feel Like My Whole Life Is A Joke.
So, hey, you remember last year when everyone said “Next year will be better”? Well, I guess this year was better than last year — at least, comparatively. But it was still a rough year …

Best Of 2021 – Zach Duvall: Rank And Tear Until It Is Done
Uh-oh. Hello. Hello again. I’ve never had as tough a time putting together a snapshot list of heavy metal albums as I did in 2021. Part of that is because I generally spend a lower …