Tag: Cirith Ungol

We Have The Power Presents: The Top 50 US Power Metal Releases Of All Time, Part 1

A few weeks ago I had an opportunity to write about the outstanding new album from Greece’s Sacred Outcry—a process that naturally involved a fair bit of groundwork and exploration into all manner of classic

Best of 2021 – Chris C: It’s Been A Year

This has been a strange year in music. Blood Incantation announced their hour-long, ambient Century Media debut. Andi Deris proved the best bobbing head on the new and remarkable Helloween hydra. Melodic black metal not

Best Of 2021: Andrew Edmunds: Last Night, I Crossed The Road, Walked Into A Bar, And Changed A Lightbulb. I Feel Like My Whole Life Is A Joke.

So, hey, you remember last year when everyone said “Next year will be better”?  Well, I guess this year was better than last year — at least, comparatively. But it was still a rough year

Best Of 2021 – Ryan Tysinger: Stand By For Exciter, Or The Whole Glory Of 2021

For the longest time, metal was an unexplored desire. It was kept closeted away by fifteen-year old Ryan. Swept up in 80s hardcore punk at the time, I had little time or patience for anything

Best Of 2021 – Captain: I Am My Vow Incarnate

Dark forces would likely prefer me to use this platform to complain about how life & times in 2021 decided to increase the pressure of its boot compared to 2020, but I ain’t that guy,

Best Of 2021 – Top 10 EPs & Demos

While I’m sure professional maniac chefs like Gordon Ramsey have a VERY strict definition of what constitutes an appetizer, the average restaurant seems to have missed the memo. Look no further than the succulent burning

Cirith Ungol – Half Past Human Review

[Cover artwork by the peerless Michael Whelan] Friendly greetings from the mouth of madness that is the collector’s music room, fellow accumulators of all things heavy duty, underground, and…well, collectible. Please wind your way through

Best Of 2020 – Dan Obstkrieg: Only Kindness Matters

For reasons largely unknown, I gave myself precise word limitations for the blurbs which follow. For those of you playing along at home, this means that I wrote 100 words exactly for each metal album,