Tag: Crypt Sermon

Best Of 2019 – Jeremy Morse: Only Half Death Metal. Aren’t I Fancy?

Well howdy, dear readers. This is it: Last and least. I usually take a powder on these personal best-of lists, and I’m still not sure I have any business doing one this year. I didn’t

Best Of 2019 – Zach Duvall: A Grand Declaration Of WAR

After the turn of the millennium, professional baseball transitioned into what is now known as the sabermetrics era. Basically, those running the game began paying attention to more detailed ways of slicing up statistics, so

Crypt Sermon ‒ The Ruins Of Fading Light Review

Epic doom metal is called such because from its earliest days it was linked to the nature of epicness ‒ heroics, theatricality, a grand tale, etc. ‒ to the point that the title of the

Staff Infections – August 2019

Welcome, friends, to a somewhat belated August edition of Staff Infections. Let us see just what the Last Rites staff has been listening to in the waning days of summer. For one, our pal Dave

Last Rites Presents: Our Most Anticipated Albums Of 2019, Part 1

Welcome back! Those few days without us must have been almost too tough to handle, but you knew we wouldn’t leave you without our special combination of unmatched metal expertise and unbridled stupidity for too

Last Rites’ Best Of 2015 – Combined Staff List

Hails and nails, fellow howlers at the moon. It’s time once again to gather about yon round table to celebrate/dispute the Kingdom of Heavy Metal’s top albums of the year. Having recently divulged our picks

Crypt Sermon – Out Of The Garden Review

EPICUS DOOMICUS INTROICUS Doom is a unique faction of metal. It’s been around since day one, thanks to Iommi & crew, but most all of its subsequent off-shoots have remained mostly neglected when compared to

By Demos Be Driven – Five Prospects From Metal’s Next Wave

Originally written by Ian Chainey With the rise of Bandcamp, Soundcloud, and, if a band must, ReverbNation, one would think the demo would go the way of the dodo. I mean, why even bother sullying