Tag: Death

Impaled – Medical Waste Review

Originally written by Ryan Plunkett Well, it seems that Necropolis finally got their shit together and released this long over-due EP. What can I really say about Impaled? They quickly put a stranglehold on the

Hour Of Penance – Disturbance Review

Originally written by Ryan Plunkett The first thing that popped into my head after throwing in Disturbance was that it has American death metal splattered all over it. After that, I let the crunch sink into

Divine Empire – Nostradamus Review

Originally written by Tim Pigeon If you’re like I am, then you prefer your death metal to be thrashy, rather than borrowing too much from the grindcore side of things. And if you’re like I

Hatesphere – Bloodred Hatred Review

Originally written by Tim Pigeon After many, many months, the US is finally treated to the newest album by Danish thrashers Hatesphere, thanks to their signing with Century Media. Since hearing it, I’m pretty disappointed

Omnium Gatherum – Spirits And August Light Review

Originally written by Tim Pigeon Omnium Gatherum have released a winner of an album that manages to breath life into the melodic death genre. It’s exhilarating to see a band bring a fresh perspective to

Aeternus – A Darker Moment Review

Originally written by Gregory Bradley. Pure old-school death metal. No frills, no bullshit, just a pure, unrelenting quasi-blackened death metal assault. Aeternus is this to a T. There is no ambience, no cheap tricks to

Aborted – Goremageddon: The Saw And The Carnage Done Review

Originally written by Dan Staige. Aborted is a band that I’ve been keeping my eye on for awhile. Mainly because I thought that w/ their skills and approach to death metal, they could become a

Vital Remains – Dechristianize Review

Originally written by Tim Pigeon God has really done it this time. I don’t know what he did, but whatever it was, it sure pissed off the guys in Vital Remains. In an act of