Tag: Drone

Fvnerals – Let The Earth Be Silent Review

The German duo Fvnerals, so serious about their downcast craft that they opted for a ‘v’ to avoid even suggesting the word “fun,” poses a challenge to the listener: how dark is too dark? How

Lathe – Tongue of Silver Review

Sound has a mind of its own. That’s a pretty thought, isn’t it? It’s completely wrong, but maybe an easier pitch is that sounds can become so freighted with contextual baggage that they summon entire

Neptunian Maximalism – Éons Review

The Belgian collective Neptunian Maximalism is not, apparently, interested in half-measures. Éons, their full-length debut, spools its more than two hours’ worth of music across three conceptually separate discs which span genres and blend improvised

Missing Pieces 2019: The Best Of What We’ve Missed So Far, Part 3

Here at Last Rites, we listen to a metric shit-ton of heavy metal—it’s just what we do. But every year there’s so much great metal that we simply don’t have time to cover it all…

Mosquito Control – Morbid Orations In The Pestilential Age Review

Plenty of black and death metal bands from New Zealand’s far-flung shores are well known overseas, but many of the nation’s doomier contingent are often overlooked. That’s a crying shame, because the NZ metal scene

Boris – Dear Review

Here is the real problem: you can use words to describe Boris’ music, but you are wrong when you do so. I can use phrases like “mixing the textured guitar work of Justin Broadrick meets

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Sunn O))) on a Stage – Two Hours of Transmutation

You don’t write a report on a Sunn O))) show. You try to write about what is today a unique kind of performance by established musicians who, at one point, decided to do something different,