Tag: Drudkh

Drudkh – Їм часто сниться капіж (They Often See Dreams About The Spring) Review

I won’t pretend to know what life in Ukraine is like. It’s been a country in constant turmoil; a once strong state that has been conquered, divided, and contested all while struggling to maintain its

A Tale Of Two Drudkh (Splits)

Most long time Drudkh fans seem to agree that the band has not quite been the same since the masterful four year, four album run that began their career. Sure, 2009’s Microcosmos and recent albums

Drudkh – A Furrow Cut Short Review

Originally written by K. Scott Ross. In the early days of black metal, certain scene leaders believed that the only true black metal was the Satanic kind. Some artists and fans still maintain that the

Keep it Short, Stupid – EP Roundup: March 201

Heavy metal’s highway is stacked ten miles deep with bumper-to-bumper EPs, demos and diversely-inched short-players. In an effort to help our readers navigate the traffic, we offer an ongoing editorial designed to shine a light

Drudkh – Eternal Turn Of The Wheel Review

When Drudkh announced that their ninth album would be a return to their harsh roots, many preparing to groan at another Handful of Stars probably held their breath and raised a cautious eyebrow. After all,

Black Forests Of Panslavia

In the world of Slavic black(ened) metal, you’re most likely to find these three things: awesome music, an awful lot of hilarious-looking bands that like to dress up and play flute in the forest, and,

Drudkh – Handful Of Stars Review

KK’s take: Drudkh. In the past, the band’s very name has been one of mysterious enchantment, one of isolation, one of solitude. Drudkh has always stood out in the world of black metal as a band whose

Zach Duvall’s Top 20 of 2009

2009 has been one helluva year for me and music. The sheer number of killer albums and shows (Neurosis!) has been overwhelming, making the 29th year of my life my best yet as a music