Tag: Gadget

Best Of 2021: Andrew Edmunds: Last Night, I Crossed The Road, Walked Into A Bar, And Changed A Lightbulb. I Feel Like My Whole Life Is A Joke.

So, hey, you remember last year when everyone said “Next year will be better”?  Well, I guess this year was better than last year — at least, comparatively. But it was still a rough year

Andrew Edmunds’ Best Of 2016 – Let’s Put This Year Behind Us

Christ, what a terrible terrible terrible year. I’m glad this one’s behind us. Between the deaths of so many greats and the interminable American presidential election, 2016 was an insufferably brutal year. (Let’s not speak

Gadget – The Great Destroyer Review

It took ten years, but here it is, the next Gadget album, only their third in almost two decades. And it’s not terribly different than the previous two, which, of course, is hardly a bad

Gadget – The Funeral March Review

Originally written by Jeremy Garner For those of you who’ve been keeping track, this album has been sitting in my to-do pile for far too long. In a lot of ways though, I’m glad for