Tag: High Roller

Last Rites Presents: Our Most Anticipated Albums Of 2025, Part 2

It’s time for Part 2 of Last Rites’ super-prestigious Most Anticipated Albums Of 2025. If you’re just now diving in, don’t forget to follow through to the first part, which you can find here. TEITANBLOOD

Ironflame – Kingdom Torn Asunder Review

[Cover art by Mike Hoffman] If we were lucky enough to have a look into the thought bubble above Ironflame founder Andrew D’Cagna’s head, we’d see the stuff of epic fantasy: dragon shadows coursing across

Scald – Ancient Doom Metal Review

[Album artwork by Andrey Andreev] A unique form of hype surrounds Scald and Ancient Doom Metal because, despite the fact that it stands as one of the more anticipated records of 2024, its imminent arrival

Last Rites Presents: Our Most Anticipated Albums Of 2024, Part 3

Welcome to the final part of our look forward to some of our most anticipated albums of 2024. If you missed the first two entries and gotta get back in time, Part 1 is here

Protector – Excessive Outburst Of Depravity Review

In the pantheon of Teutonic thrash, Protector occupies a somewhat interesting place. On one hand, they’re a truly oft-unsung and overlooked outfit, rarely if ever mentioned alongside the Holy Trinity of that particular scene, or

Luzifer – Iron Shackles Review

“But metal must be evil!” they wailed, fingers clutching their obsidian pearls. “It’s about darkness and despair!” they protested, all the while missing the true power that lies within the heart of the music. Certainly, heavy

Best Of 2020 – Ryan Tysinger: Maybe We All Deserve The Hammer

Go, then. There are other worlds than these. – Jake Chambers The zombie sub-genre of horror film introduced some interesting hypotheticals. Everyone reading this has, in all likelihood, at least pondered on how they would

High Spirits – Hard To Stop Review

Often times, I believe we are the architects of our own discontent. In a world that so often engrains in our minds that nothing worth having comes without effort, pain, and struggle, we find ourselves