Tag: Houkago Grind Time

Houkago Grind Time – Koncertos Of Kawaiiness: Stealing Jon Chang’s Ideas, A Book By Andrew Lee Review

One-man metal machine and anime geek Andrew Lee has been a busy boy of late. There’s a new Ripped To Shreds on the horizon, slated for late next month, and here we are also with

Houkago Grind Time – Houkago Grind Time 2: The Second Raid Review

I’m now on my third Houkago Grind Time review, and in each of the previous two, I declared that I would brush up on anime so that I would better understand the inside jokes and

Blast Rites #5: Houkago Grind Time / Archaganini – Split Review

I cannot tell you how many times I’ve been listening to Agathocles and thought, “Goddamn, this raw-as-shit rudimentary grinding mayhem is awesome, but I wish it had more neoclassical sweep-picking.” And then I’d have another

Houkago Grind Time – Bakyunsified (Moe To The Gore) Review

It’s hard to tell by looking at me, but I used to be a runner. Back then, the building that I worked in had an unoccupied office area that was repurposed into a “gym,” and