Tag: Immortal Bird

Immortal Bird – Sin Querencia Review

[Cover art by Kikyz1313] Prolificacy is an oft-lauded trait for bands in the metal world. We are constant consumers on the lookout for more tasty morsels to glut our filthy musical maws, so bands that

Best Of 2019 – Fetusghost: Yeah, But What Does The FNG Think?

Hello there, attractive and intelligent reader! You are probably here because you tire of all these other knuckleheads with terrible excellent taste, and you are just chomping at the bit to find out what the

Best Of 2019 – Chris Sessions: My List Is Best Because It Contains No Preservatives

The Missing Rant It is customary to write a lengthy preamble to our lists, and I am normally hilariously guilty of overwriting mine. Fact is, this year I am tired. Depressed, clinically and otherwise. Old.

Best Of 2019 – Andrew Edmunds: One Bird Cannot Make A Bad Pun, But Toucan

And so another year passes, the inexorable march of time… In the grand scheme of things, 2019 was a pretty good year for me, and I hope the same for you. I drank many good

Best Of 2019 – Last Rites Combined Staff Top 25

Well, Mark Tremonti of Alter Bridge was deemed “Guitarist Of The Decade” by the readers of Guitar World Magazine. From what I can tell, he seems like a good guy, so congrats to him. And

Staff Infections – August 2019

Welcome, friends, to a somewhat belated August edition of Staff Infections. Let us see just what the Last Rites staff has been listening to in the waning days of summer. For one, our pal Dave

Immortal Bird – Thrive On Neglect Review

…goddamn, the way this latest Immortal Bird starts off deserves a review that starts off the same way RIGHT FUCKING NOW straight mauler of a front riff and Amitay sounds like someone is throwing fire

Judas Priest Indebtedness Guest List: A Musician’s Perspective

We love Judas Priest. This is blatantly obvious, of course, as we’re winding down Priest Week here at Last Rites. But it bears repeating ad nauseam: We. Love. Judas. Priest. Guess who else loves Judas