Tag: Messa

Best Of 2022 – Dan Obstkrieg: In Which Foolishness Is Again Considered

The introduction, in which claims are made It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the vest

Best Of 2022 – Zach Duvall: No Dung Ahead

Welcome all, to another view into my listening mind. As usual, I will surely regret the ordering of these items within the fortnight. Or maybe I won’t, because this is just a snapshot, and it

Best Of 2022 – Last Rites Combined Staff Top 25

I have spent the better part of a full morning kicking over rocks in all the corners of my brain in an attempt to recall any sort of crucial trends, significant controversies or major Pants-Filling

Messa – Close Review

If I were forced to pick a single word to describe Messa’s third album, Close – just one word – it would be patient. Don’t mistake me: Messa’s doom is not slow or directionless or

Last Rites Presents: Our Most Anticipated Albums Of 2022, Part 2

I’m sure by now you’ve all spent the last two days reading and re-reading the first part of our annual Most Anticipated Releases series, but in case you’ve just now crawled forth from beneath a

Best Of 2018 – Dan Obstkrieg: Hi, Hello, How Are You? Here Is Some Music.

I am skeptical of certainty. I suppose that’s a strange lead-in to an article in which I share my ostensibly well-reasoned opinions as to which albums released this year are the best. But yes, the

Best Of 2018 – Ryan’s 20 Albums That Did The Damn Thing

Metal indisputably has a penchant for melodrama, from the larger-than-life stage shows to the rumors and stories that weave their way into the fabric of heavy metal legend. Sensationalism has followed metal since the earliest

Best Of 2018 – Manny-O-War: Death To The Feeble Masses

It was yet another year spent on Last Rites Semi-Permanent Probation for Manny. Sure, the crew briefly allowed me off after Maryland Deathfest, but alas, it was merely a tease. I was back on Last