Tag: Nahtrunar

Best Of 2018 – Konrad Kantor: And So We Weep For The Fallen

2018 has been a year attempting to actively bring as much positivity into my life as possible. As far as heavy metal goes, no that does not mean you are about to read a top

Staff Infections – July 2018

Here we are in July, dear readers, and we at Last Rites Hope you’ve been keeping your grill hot, your beverages cold and your sunscreen liberally applied. For our American readers, we hope you made

Missing Pieces: The Best Of What We’ve Missed In 2018 So Far, Part 4

Here at Last Rites, we listen to a metric shit-ton of heavy metal—it’s just what we do. But even then, every year, there’s so much great heavy metal that gets released that we simply don’t

Nahtrunar – Symbolismus Review

Nahtrunar comes to us from Austria, conceiving full length debut Symbolismus as a tribute to the nights at the turn of the year (a European thing known as “Rauhnächte”). I can offer no insight into