Tag: Neurot

Neurosis – Honor Found In Decay Review

The eleventh album from the Oakland-based shamans in Neurosis is an hour-long answer to the question, “When is ‘tired’ not tired?” You see, on Honor Found In Decay, Neurosis sounds weary. Now wait, hear me

Ufomammut – Oro:Opus Alter Review

I struggled with the scoring of this album more than I can remember doing so for any other record in quite some time. I attribute this mostly to the fact that I felt it might

Scott Kelly / Steve Von Till / Wino – Songs Of Townes Van Zandt Review

The simple fact that this record exists is all kinds of awesome. (How’s that for unbiased journalism?) Years after his death, Townes Van Zandt remains an underrated figure. He’s found some success in the country

Ides Of Gemini – Constantinople Review

Los Angeles trio Ides of Gemini is nothing if not evocative. For this particular listener, Constantinople conjures images of a caravan trudging into some unknowable wilderness, wrapped in the gauzy patina of memory. The music

Ufomammut – Oro: Opus Primum Review

One of the things I admire about a group like Italy’s Ufomammut is that they manage to live and survive as a ‘perimeter’ metal band. Unquestionably heavy, yes, but enduring the years waaay out on

Neurosis – Sovereign (Reissue) Review

By design, the music of Neurosis should not work within the confines of the EP format. Their success has long been dependent not only upon their ability to craft earth-shattering hymns of tectonic force, but

Across Tundras – Sage Review

Some bands take years of false starts, stylistic affectations, and happy accidents before finding a sound that, once stumbled across, seems to have been what they were circling around all along. Across Tundras is not

Neurosis – Souls At Zero Review

Neurosis fans tend to be an all-or-nothing bunch: You worship the band or you don’t; you “get it” or you’re a fool; you’ve followed the hallowed path into the wilderness and drunk deep your mystic