Tag: Nucleus

Best Of 2019 – Jeremy Morse: Only Half Death Metal. Aren’t I Fancy?

Well howdy, dear readers. This is it: Last and least. I usually take a powder on these personal best-of lists, and I’m still not sure I have any business doing one this year. I didn’t

Best Of 2019 – Chris Sessions: My List Is Best Because It Contains No Preservatives

The Missing Rant It is customary to write a lengthy preamble to our lists, and I am normally hilariously guilty of overwriting mine. Fact is, this year I am tired. Depressed, clinically and otherwise. Old.

Nucleus – Entity Review

Trends. Often scoffed at, particularly in the circles of extreme music—which, some might argue, are vehemently against this to begin with—trends have a way of naturally occurring. There’s no escaping them, particularly in a time

Staff Infections – May 2019

It’s May, friends—well into spring and nudging on summer. And yet, the weather still sucks. The rain is seemingly incessant, the sun barely glimpsed, my summer clothes still packed away, and my motorcycle still un-ridden.

Last Rites’ Facebook Albums Of The Week: November 25th – December 1st

“Album Of The Day” is a Last Rites Facebook feature we started whose purpose is quite straight-forward: highlight one album per day and say a few words about it. Understanding that not everyone chooses to

Manny-O-War’s Best Of 2016 – The Death Of Angels

It seems like last year fans of loud music sat around talking about how the world had gone to shit and the only thing saving us from mental annihilation was quality heavy metal. Imagine if

Last Rites’ Best Of 2016 – Combined Staff

Every year we get hundreds of thousands of letters from all over the world asking how we manage to compile our annual Last Rites Combined Staff Top 25 List. It’s no easy task, we’ll have

Last Rites’ Favorite Album Artwork Of 2016 – Welcome To List Season…

Kicking things off with the theme to “Welcome Back Kotter” might seem strange, but there’s a warmth and familiarity in the tune that’s fitting as an opener to this most hallowed season. No, not the