Tag: Osmose Productions

Inhume – Chaos Dissection Order Review
originally written by Jim Brandon We all like to get our grind fix in different ways. Some of us like it drenched in gore, raw as you can get, and designed to offend. Then there’s …

Yyrkoon – Unhealthy Opera Review
Originally written by Ramar Pittance Ah, I always feel like an asshole when I have less than glowing things to say about bands like Yyrkoon. They’re gifted musicians who produce their albums well, and seem dedicated …

Melechesh – Sphynx Review
Originally written by Erik Thomas Hindsight is 20/20 of course but after seeing this album on many a year end list I picked it up and when you consider Osmose recently released Bestial Mockery and …

Abominator – Nuctemeron Descent Review
Originally written by Erik Thomas Do we really need this? Blackened/Death Metal (which Osmose seem to have a strangle hold on) from down under. This is by no means as bad as Bestial Mockery, cos …

Impaled Nazarene – All That You Fear Review
Originally written by Erik Thomas I’m ashamed to say that after 13 years and eight albums, this is my first experience with Finland’s (if not Europe’s) black metal elder statesman, well at least you won’t …

Bestial Mockery – Evoke The Desecrator Review
Originally written by Erik Thomas Sometimes you just know you won’t like an album: from the name of the band, member names (Warslaughter, Sir Torment, Sodomizer), the logo, the song titles and the contained promotional …

Absu – Tara Review
Originally written by Ty Brookman Well I see the opportunity has finally arrived to review the utter madness that is Absu’s latest release, Tara. The embroiled metal bloodbath of alacrity and the masterful frenzy of …