Tag: Raw

Track Premiere: Cryptae – “Pearl”
There was this kid in my fourth (maybe fifth?) grade class who was smart–I mean exceptionally smart. Xavier was very well spoken, well-read for his age, and extremely intelligent. The teachers mostly left him alone as …

Hinsides – Under Betlehems Brinnande Stjärna Review
When Darkthrone first released A Blaze In The Northern Sky, the high-contrast black-and-white photo of the single band member for the cover was wild. It’d never really been done like that before. It was crafted to …

Black, Raw, & Bleeding: Into The Castles, Catacombs, Caverns, & Crypts Of The Black Metal Underground
Here we are, once again emerging from the new moon: the darkest of eves in the lunar calendar, the one night of the month when the light of the sun no longer reflects upon the …

Black, Raw, & Bleeding: Another Dive Into The Nethers Of The Black Metal Underground
Last night marked the new moon. The darkest night of the lunar month, when the terrestrial body, in its tireless rotation about the tellurian rock, is blackened by the very shadow of the earth itself, …

Missing Pieces: The Best Of What We Missed In 2020 So Far, Volume 1
So much music, so little time. Even though we do our damnedest to stay current and hit the high points (and sometimes the low ones, too), it’s inevitable that some musical jewels will fall through …

Pa Vesh En – Burial Review
For those who have spent any substantial amount of time in graveyards, you’ll know what I mean when I say every cemetery has its own personality. Some are pleasant and inviting, others morose and forlorn. …

In Crust We Trust: Vol 17
Kia ora, comrades. Welcome to In Crust We Trust: Vol 17. Before you dive into this month’s collection of raucous releases, I wanted to highlight a few punk rock-focused features that have recently caught my …