Tag: Reaper Entertainment

Missing Pieces: The Best Of What We Missed In 2023 So Far, Pt. 2

It’s time for Part 2 of our yearly round-up of all the great records we didn’t manage to cover in the first six months of the year. If you also missed Part 1, it’s available

Suotana – Ounas I Review

Suotana is a Finnish melodic death metal band that I, and many others, discovered after the release of their sophomore effort, Land of the Ending Time, in 2018. I was on a Children of Bodom

Memoriam – To The End Review

On one hand, the comparisons between Memoriam and Bolt Thrower are inevitable. Look at any writings about Memoriam in the last four-ish years, and I’d bet that Bolt Thrower is mentioned in the first three