Tag: Satyricon

Satyricon – Satyricon Review

One of life’s great tragedies is the fact that you can never really, truly, completely know another person. We all live rich, stubborn, vertiginous inner lives, playing out a second-by-second drama etched on the interior

90s Essentials – Volume Three

So here we are, back for more with Volume 3 of MetalReview’s 100 Most Essential Albums Of The 1990s. (If you haven’t been keeping up, click here for Vol. 1 and here for Vol. 2.)

Metalmorphoses: Shifting The Paradigm, Pt. 1

Like you, the devout and steadfast metal fan, we at Last Rites take very seriously and personally our relationships with the bands we love. Invested heavily with emotion in the musical manifestations of our very identities,

Satyricon – The Age Of Nero Review

Originally written by Jordan Campbell If you’ve been hip to Satyricon’s post-Rebel Extravaganza method of madness, you’ll certainly know what to expect from The Age of Nero. Satyr and Frost’s “arena black metal” is in full effect, and

Satyricon – Now, Diabolical Review

Chris Sessions’ take: Satyricon is a well known black metal band and they write pretty interesting black metal songs, but the method of recording these songs is somewhat limp. Which is unfortunate, but not a