Tag: Science Fiction

Expander – Neuropunk Boostergang Review

</INITIATE.PROTOCOL: (coverART.Awesome!) Music always comes first, here at YourLastRitesCorp, Inc. (GIWR on the heavy metal stock exchange; available in units of RiffCoin only.) But we also recognize that the right image will hook us before

Xoth – Interdimensional Invocations Review

O Ancient Ones! We beseech you! Our devout haruspex has lain entrails in the sigil as commanded in the Holy Texts! Our hearts and minds we offer toward the burning binary stars of Xoth! Send

Nocturnus A.D. – Paradox Review

Way back about a billion years ago, the first version of Nocturnus was formed when drummer / vocalist Mike Browning split from a young Morbid Angel. After a pair of demos and a shifting line-up