Tag: Shattered Dreams Productions

Blast Rites: Deterioration / Traffic Death – Split
A few months back, I waxed poetic rambled semi-coherently about how much fun it is, as a grindcore fanboy, when a split comes along from two bands you love. That particular enthusiastic word-barrage was in …

Blast Rites: Nak’ay – Divine Atrophy & Seized Review
What’s better than a new Nak’ay EP? Two new Nak’ay EPs, mmmk’ay! Emerging into the world on the same day, Divine Atrophy* and Seized are effectively fraternal twins – born of the same parents, sharing …

Blast Rites #12: Deterioration – Retaliatory Measures Review
Lyrics? Who needs ‘em. Drums other than a kick and snare? Who needs ‘em. Subtlety or melody? Who needs ‘em. This is Deterioration, baby. And this is how to grind. After three EPs, two splits, …