Tag: Solstice

10s Essentials – Volume Nine

Well, how goes the isolation? Crawling out of your skin yet? Brain beginning to turn on you yet? Has the home office basically become the place you watch Star Trek: The Next Generation and King

Best Of 2018 – Konrad Kantor: And So We Weep For The Fallen

2018 has been a year attempting to actively bring as much positivity into my life as possible. As far as heavy metal goes, no that does not mean you are about to read a top

Best Of 2018 – Dan Obstkrieg: Hi, Hello, How Are You? Here Is Some Music.

I am skeptical of certainty. I suppose that’s a strange lead-in to an article in which I share my ostensibly well-reasoned opinions as to which albums released this year are the best. But yes, the

Best Of 2018 – Zach Duvall: Confessions Of A Cornfed Crackpot

Greetings, you husks. This year, instead of some State of the Scene Address, we’re going to talk about consensus in music fandom, and how it doesn’t really exist. Yes, seeing the same albums top every

Best Of 2018 – Michael ‘Captain’ Wuensch: Never F*#@ing Relax

I’m long past the point of wondering if I’ll ever tire of listening to heavy metal. I’m 1.4 million years old and can still remember the very first time I heard Judus Erectus’ first demo

Best Of 2018 – Last Rites Combined Staff Top 25

You’re here! Welcome! So glad you could make it. So, how was the flight? Wait, what? You walked here? All the way from January 1st? You walked here all the way from January 1st. Wow.

Solstice – White Horse Hill Review

To your left: Three minutes into Johan Länquist’s version of one of the greatest doom songs ever recorded from side B of what many consider to be one of the world’s finest doom records, epic

Oh Hi, 2018: Our Most Anticipated Albums, Part 2

Yesterday, we offered part one of our most anticipated albums of 2018, and noted some of the reasons why we spend so much time in anticipation of new music and art. Today, a word of caution: anticipation