Tag: Temple Of Mystery Records

Possessed Steel – Aedris Review

[Cover artwork by Tamara Comas] Toronto, Ontario’s Possessed Steel spends precisely zero minutes and zip seconds attempting any sort of subterfuge regarding what’s on tap with their debut full-length, Aedris. And just in case you’re

On The Open Road With Freeways’ True Bearings

Hey there, Bear here—named after Bear Bryant. No, I’m not exactly thrilled about that. In my defense, and as is generally the case, I had no say in my name. If I had, I would

Outre-Tombe – Nécrovortex Review

After three years and a guitarist change, Quebecois old-school death metal outfit Outre-Tombe has returned with its sophomore record Nécrovortex. While this author is only passingly familiar with the group’s debut Répurgation, Nécrovortex manages to

Pagan Altar – A Tribute And A Review Of The Room Of Shadows

FROM A DUSTY SHELF… Specific interpretations of “the underground” in relation to metal can lead down any number of passageways. For many, the term represents little more than a categorization for virtually any band not

Droid – Terrestrial Mutations Review

Release date: July 12, 2017. Label: Nightbreaker Productions and Temple Of Mystery Records. If you’re Ontario’s Droid, you’re probably pretty tired of the following two items: 1) people informing you about how much you sound