Longevity is one of Last Rites’ strong-suits. We’ve had more than our fair share of amazing contributors over the years (last count: 72), many of whom have gone on to bigger and less better things, and a considerable number of us continue to attack the keyboard with a decade or more of MetalReview/LastRites history under our belts. Credit those Friday afternoon lemon squares in the break room and weekend trips to the Catskills.
That said, we’re always on the lookout for new blood to add to the ranks. We’re picky, though; not only do we expect skill with words and grammar, we require a genuine knowledge and history with the genre, as well as the same sort of ravenous hunger for exploration that the rest of the crew enjoys. If you’re interested in writing for Last Rites, we encourage you to reach out to us at: contactlastrites AT gmail DOT com.
The core crew today:

Andrew Edmunds
Last Rites Co-Owner; Senior Editor; born in the cemetery, under the sign of the MOOOOOOON...

Blizzard of Jozzsh
Taller than Glenn Danzig, but shorter than a funeral doom LP. Lover of riffs and cheesy horror films. Hot wing connoisseur. On Twitter or X, whatever: @CatacombsMedia

Last Rites Co-Owner; Senior Editor; That was my skull!

Chris Sessions
I write for Last Rites, but in my mind it is spelled Lassed Writes because I am a dreamer.

Craig Hayes
Old man from Aotearoa New Zealand. I write about dadcrust for d-beat dorks, raw punk nerds, and metal dweebs.

Dan Obstkrieg
Happily committed to the foolish pursuit of words about sounds. Not actually a dinosaur.

Dave Pirtle
Coffee. Black.

Jeremy Morse
Riffs or GTFO.

Juho Mikkonen
Suomi Finglish Perkele

Konrad Kantor
Staff Bartender -- I also write about music on occasion. Fuck Twitter.

Last Rites

Lin Manuel de Guerra
Mythical soulmate of Crutchwielder, The Poison Sword of Inevitability.

Infinitely committed to the expansion of artistic horizons. Very interested in hearing your grandparent's anecdotes & recipes. @mannyowar

Megan Astarael
The Queen of Frozen Forests
(blastbeats in the distance intensify)

Mirela Travar
Passionately want to do everything.

Old Guard
The retired elite of LastRites/MetalReview.

Ryan Tysinger
I listen to music, then I write about it.
(Outro: The Winds Of Mayhem)

Spencer Hotz
Admirer of the weird, the bizarre and the heavy, but so are you. Why else would you be here?

Zach Duvall
Last Rites Co-Owner; Senior Editor; Obnoxious overuser of baseball metaphors.