All posts by Zach Duvall

Last Rites Co-Owner; Senior Editor; Obnoxious overuser of baseball metaphors.

Lye By Mistake – Fea Jur Review

Those who clicked into this review expecting the jazzed-up Dillinger Escape Plan worship of Lye By Mistake’s debut LP, Arrangements for Fulminating Vective, are in for a bit of a shock. Things have happened in

Canopy – Will And Perception Review

After two EP’s and one full length, Stockholm’s Canopy return with their second long player. Kinda. Will and Perception shares the name with their quality self-released EP, includes a complete rerecording of that release, a

Shadows Fall – Retribution Review

Here is the deal with shitty vocals: they are permissible if, and only if 1) they are not the focus of the songs, 2) the music is good enough to render them inconsequential, and 3)

Wodensthrone – Loss Review

Hype sure can be a bitch. Give that hype to a black metal release, and the band in question has to deliver, lest metal’s most fickle fans permanently label the band as overrated and overhyped.

Dawn Of Winter – The Peaceful Dead Review

So who wants some doom? Stop, before you answer, the question has certain conditions. The doom is not the funeral, the death hybrid, anything from the Gulf Coast, or even the THC-associated. This is goddamn

Korpiklaani – Karkelo Review

Karkelo, the sixth full length album in seven years by Finland’s Korpiklaani, is essentially the same as their other five albums. Therefore, your opinion is already formed. Review over. What, you need more? Okay here

Liturgy – Renihilation Review

I do believe I smell a scene a-brewin’. Well, okay, a potential scene. New York City, never known as the capital of US black metal, made a splash last year when Krallice put out their monster of

Final – Reading All The Right Signals Wrong Review

Justin K. Broadrick is one prolific sumbitch, no one can deny him that. Just counting since the beginning of 2008, the legendary Godflesh mastermind has recorded four new Jesu releases (counting splits, the new full length and the upcoming EP),