Category: Riffology

Riffology 105 – The Riddle Master

Our riff for today’s lesson comes from one the finest traditional metal bands to every come out of the U.S., and almost certainly the best thing to ever come out of Kansas: Manilla Road. Manilla Road took

Riffology 104 – Evercursed

The riff for today’s lesson comes courtesy of Finnish death metal group Adramelech. Adramelech was perhaps most famous (to use the term loosely) for having several former members of Demigod at various points in its line-up.

Riffology 103 – The Root Of All Evil

In retrospect, two installments of a column about great metal riffs without featuring a Black Sabbath tune is probably two too many. My bad. Today, I make it right. In this lesson we go back

Riffology 102 – Forensic Clinicism / The Sanguine Article

I hope you all enjoyed your extended winter break, but now class is back in session. In today’s lesson, we will examine a riff from the Carcass composition “Forensic Clinicism/The Sanguine Article”, which is featured

Riffology 101 – Balls To The Wall

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to Riffology. In this course we will examine great riffs in metal history and attempt to discern the nature of said greatness. Course requirements include good ears and a strong neck.