Tag: Epic
Moonsorrow – Tulimyrsky EP Review
Ep-ic [ep-ik]: noting or pertaining to a long poetic composition, usually centered upon a hero, in which a series of great achievements or events is narrated in elevated style. Ep-ic as Balls [ep-ik az bawls]: …
Candlemass – King Of The Grey Islands Review
The best way I can think to summarize my feelings about King Of The Grey Islands is to compare its release with the Christmas I experienced back around 1981. It was a year when all …
Solitude Aeturnus – Alone Review
During a time when US-based metal labels were mostly searching for the next meaner, faster, more extreme band, Arlington, Texas’ Solitude Aeturnus epitomized the much less popular doom slant. This left the band with very …
Candlemass – Candlemass Review
Originally written by Nin Chan Do you recall the days before you became a full-fledged metal aficionado, before you became a know-it-all with a sizeable amount of disposable income (and/or an expansive disc drive)? When …
While Heaven Wept – Of Empires Forlorn Review
Originally written by Erik Thomas While Heaven Wept Ep•ic Pronunciation: ‘e-pik Function: adjective Etymology: Latin epicus, from Greek epikos, from epos word, speech, poem — more at VOICE Date: 1589. 1: of, relating to, or …