Tag: Pagan

Havukruunu – Tavastland Review

The forests endure the human experience—life, death, and the pages between. Each river, tree, peak, and valley tells a story. That tale is that of nature’s inevitable victory through it all. And victorious it shall

Diamonds & Rust: Sabbat – Dreamweaver, 35 Years Of Reflecting On Our Yesterdays

[Album artwork: Tim Beer] Metal freaks have and indeed always will burn infinite hours debating what should be considered “The All Time Greatest Year for Heavy Metal.” If you’re like me, a prehistoric beast perilously

Varathron – The Crimson Temple Review

To truly understand the legend of The Crimson Temple, we have to go back to the beginning. Its construction began thirty-five years ago with the foundation of Varathron, who would release their debut album a few

Havukruunu – Uinuos Syömein Sota Review

Oh, Great Warrior. Wars not make one great. -Yoda Anyone who’s seen The Empire Strikes Back at least once remembers this classic line — the sharp quip from the Jedi master to Luke when he frustratingly explains

Omitir – Ode Review

Romanticism can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, it can create a distorted view of the past, skewing and altering history, recalling good old days that never really ever were. On the other, it

10s Essentials – Volume Six

Remember bars? Man, that sure was fun sitting in a dimly lit hole-in-the-wall and knocking back a few while discussing sports, politics and work. If only we could teeter on an uncertain bar stool again

10s Essentials – Volume Two

Greetings, travelers! Welcome to Volume 2 of our 100 Essential Albums of the 2010s. Were you present and accounted for when Volume 1 landed last week and promptly asked to be escorted to your leader?

Marrasmieli – Between Land And Sky Review

Hyperbole is a useless endeavor, particularly when allowed to run amok within the often comedic realm of music reviews. Beyond the sheer awkwardness of it, limitless hyperbole mostly ends up yielding the opposite of its