Tag: Black Thrash

Wraith, Black Knife, Graveripper, Unholy Night: Faster Than The Fucking Devil Split Review
For all the movies, preachers and shaky old grannies in the world that have tried to paint the devil as the greatest threat to all of humanity, there sure do seem to be plenty of …

Downcross – Hexapoda Triumph Review
Of all the criticisms thrown at black metal, the lazy, tired “black metal has no riffs” argument is easily the most likely to jerk the eyeballs of anyone with any experience in the style involuntarily …

Graveripper – Radiated Remains Review
Fast Rites: because sometimes brevity is fundamental. Our beloved Ryan has dubbed 2021 the year of the Thrashening. With excellent releases by Cryptosis, Paranorm, Obsolete, Demoniac, Speed Command, Terminalist, Spellforger and about 100 others I’m …

Poison Leather – Trapped In The Abyss Of Chauvet Review
Art has been a part of the human experience since, well, the dawn of the human experience. Ever since Grunk dejectedly drew a sad face with Oong’s blood after bludgeoning him for even considering to …