Tag: Self-Released

Fuego Eterno – Trance Tras El Velo Del Inconsciente Review

When I stumbled across Fuego Eterno’s debut album, I likened it to a Spanish-speaking Deceased on a heavy diet of marijuana, mushrooms, and perhaps a few nights in a peyote lodge. El Arte De Lo Oculto found

Carnosus – Wormtales Review

[Cover art by Timon Kokott] It’s fair to be a bit nervous about quality whenever a band releases full-length albums in back-to-back years. That quick-turn approach can leave you wondering if inspiration was truly firing

Soulmass – Principality Of Mechanical Violence Review

[Cover art by Samuel Nelson] When I reviewed Soulmass’ previous album, Let Us Pray, and when I named it to spot number 20 on my best-of list last year, I mentioned that while part of

Knoll – As Spoken Review

There’s certainly value in bands that find a tried and true formula and then ride that formula for the entire existence of the band. Known quantities are a profound comfort in a world full of

Deliriant Nerve – Contaminated Conscience

2022 was a year thoroughly blessed by the grindcore gods. If you didn’t have your ear to the crusty, grimy, cheap beer-soaked ground, you missed one of the strongest grind years in recent memory. Perhaps

Neurectomy – Overwrought Review

Do you hate your brain? Not in the way where you’re a touch frustrated with that ol’ silly goose for making you forget your least favorite child at the bus stop again. I mean the

Stunner – Motor Worship Review

[Cover art by Vrugarth Doom] The last time we saw the Nightfighter, our hero had barely escaped with their life from the future city of Megalopolis. The sprawling cyber municipality took its toll out on