Zero bullshit Black Thrash, well performed and produced…
This is a breath of fresh air. Well, the putrid stench of decadence is probably more accurate, but after some of the garbage wafting its way through my ears lately, it certainly feels fresh to me. Irony is never lost on me – although I have been known to ignore it. And I find it interesting that the best records I have been able to review since returning to this site are Black Metal and Experimental, two styles I am hardly cheerleading for. I like my metal brutal, groovy and meaty, and Black and Progressive are almost never those things.
But here it is – an American Black Thrash EP that, while not winning any originality awards, at least has a fiery epic heft that assuages one’s craving for Heavy. Although an EP, the timing is about perfect in my opinion. It’s exactly the right length to leave you wanting more. The four tunes actually give you as much satisfaction as many of the “full length” records I’ve heard lately.
The songwriting style conjures Zyklon and later Immortal comparisons, and the execution is confident enough to justify it. Not only do the musicians deliver like they mean it but the production captures the effort and beefs up the experience. The singer has a gruff black roar that is down in the mix, letting the music carry the weight. Guitars have a slightly ringy quality, making the chord phrasings really stand out. The bass gets in there and mixes it up without distracting. The drums are just right, neither dominating nor hiding behind the wall of guitar. All in all a very good mix of performance, musicianship and production.
Bottom line: this record was a very welcome chance for me to recharge my batteries. And it certainly seems like the kind of thing this site is set up to promote: getting people to check out the good shit and support the bands that deserve it. I figure these bastards deserve it. Click the link and enjoy. Or despair, but in the positive sense.