All posts by Jeremy Morse

Riffs or GTFO.

Blade Of The Ripper – Taste The Blade Review

As I sit at my desk typing this review while Blade of the Ripper’s Taste the Blade plays on my shitty computer speakers, I find myself seized by in voluntary fits of aggression: My lip

Wino – Punctuated Equilibrium Review

After thirty-odd years in the music business and five bands (including numerous versions of The Obsessed) Scott “Wino” Weinrich has finally issued a solo album entitled Punctuated Equilibrium, and I for one could not be

Hooded Menace – Fulfill The Curse Review

The extreme metal scene of Finland may not be as fecund as that of neighboring Sweden but it does seem to produce acts of exceedingly high quality, such as Amorphis, Demigod, Demilich and Impaled Nazarene,

The Dead – Nocturnal Funeral Review

It seems it was only weeks ago that I read Erik Thomas’s review of The Dead’s self titled debut. As it turns out, it was only weeks ago. Obsidian Records was apparently a year or

Execration – Syndicate of Lethargy Review

Just when you thought all the possible band names ending in “ation” were used up, along comes Norway’s Execration. With a name like Execration, I will give you one guess as to what style of

Darkthrone – Frostland Tapes Reivew

Darkthrone. Death Metal. Probably not an association you would normally make. Most fans of underground metal probably know that Darkthrone started as a death metal band, but they went on to far greater fame for