Tag: Taake

Carving A Mixtape – Exercises In Black Metal: Vol. 1

Ever since kindergarten, I have been obsessed with the idea of sharing music with others. Generally, this came in the form of stolen Billy Idol or Led Zeppelin cassette tapes from my parents until that

The MDF 2014 Power Rankings – Top 10 Song Performances

Let it be known: I attended Maryland Deathfest 2014 as a fan, not a music “journalist,” so this isn’t some comprehensive recap, but more of a snapshot of one guy’s experiences. After all, when so

Taake – Noregs Vaapen Review

originally written by Chris McDonald As much as I stick to the “favorite albums over favorite bands” rule, I must admit that Taake’s recent direction was a pretty hard pill to swallow for me initially.

90s Essentials – Volume Four

Considering the album that sits atop this list, Volume 4 of MetalReview’s 100 Most Essential Albums of the 90s could very well just be titled EPIC WEEK. With major classics of folk and Viking metal