Tag: Vendetta Records

Missing Pieces: The Best Of What We Missed In 2024 So Far, Vol. 1

Hard to believe that 2024 is halfway over, but hey, that’s the inexorable march of time for you, right? As always, we here at Last Rites World Headquarters And Royal Order Of The Moose Lodge

Woe – Legacies of Frailty Review

[Cover art by Khaos Diktator Design] American muscle is a term generally reserved for talking about cars. Granted, we do spend a lot of time talking about American muscles when it comes to U.S. athletes

Black, Raw, & Bleeding: Into The Castles, Catacombs, Caverns, & Crypts Of The Black Metal Underground

Here we are, once again emerging from the new moon: the darkest of eves in the lunar calendar, the one night of the month when the light of the sun no longer reflects upon the

An Interview With Anicon: Brooklyn And Black Metal Tropes

Recorded during a furious winter, Anicon’s newest work, their sophomore LP Entropy Mantra, represents a shift in their sound. More riff-heavy than prior work and certainly more open to individual contribution, Entropy Mantra is yet another solid album from

Wild Hunt – Afterdream Of The Reveller Review

Michael Pollan’s best-selling book The Omnivore’s Dilemma posed a fairly simple question: Because of various environmental and evolutionary reasons, humans have developed the capacity to eat more or less everything. That being so, what should

Belus – Apophenia Review

The Brooklyn black metal scene has a penchant for off-kilter, nearly jazzy black metal. Almost as if there’s a competition between the drummers in the scene to thrust each other into new, unchartered territory using

Woe – Hope Attrition Review

When Woe’s debut A Spell for the Death of Man hit in 2008, it was a significant shot of adrenaline to an American black metal scene that was, at the time, more often known for

Syven – Aikaintaite Review

When a musical work evokes the weight of natural processes in geologic time, it inevitably exposes impotence in the words used to describe it. Allowing for the difficulty of the written word to reach back