If you’re lucky enough to be the kind of heavy music enjoyer who has surrounded yourself with other heavy music enjoyers, you’re likely very familiar with the ripple effect of a good binge. One person in your crew requests recommendations for a new journey or starts diving headfirst into a deep back catalog, and the others in the group can’t help but join in. Here at Ye Olde Rites Of Last Brutalities HQ Fortress On The Nile Protecting From Those Who Would Only Listen To Country Music, our Beloved Rotten Ryan had the audacity to put out an open call for brutal death metal recommendations. The #now-playing channel in our Discord has been absolutely repugnant ever since.
Keep your eyes on that former band section, and you’ll also notice that vocalist Anthony Voight used to perform oral violations and bass abuse for the aforementioned Gorgasm. Why, hello there! For Castrated, he has relinquished bass duties to Carlos Gallegos, but that’s just fine, as Voight’s vocals are one of the group’s strengths. He performs with a clarity that’s on the same level as Corpsegrinder, allowing you to get nice and squeamish as he bellows out lines like “Sexxxxuuuuaalll Gluttony. Incestuoooouusss Innnnclinations” on “Propagate The Subservient.” Naturally, that song opens with a sample of some classy clergy fella informing a young lass that he’s received a message from god saying she needs to accept his seed. Anyway, the lyrics here are perfectly deranged for you brutal stalwarts.
While Voight’s vocals don’t typically hit Mr. Fisher speeds, the music on display here certainly does and also hints that this quartet surely enjoys chewing on corpulent chunks of Cannibal Corpse goodness in their spare time. As that implies, Castrated’s preferred form of brutality is not one of slams and ignorance. That said, there are enough squeals and chugs to let you know that many a riff has been grazed by ignorance, even if their brains weren’t blown out by it. Opener “Deranged Manifestations” kicks things off with some delightful chug-chug-squeal riffing but absolutely rips as they lean into a more technical approach for the remainder of the song. The technicality here isn’t overly flashy while still creating memorable riffs and morsels of rotted meat to sink your teeth into. The late stretch of the song has the guitars whipping to a froth while the drums hit more of a breakdown pattern behind it to let those riffs come across as uncluttered and even more vicious.
Surgical Vicissitude blends a strong slab of Cannibal Corpse with the faint remnants of Aborted’s scalp and plenty of dried-up flakes from a Gorgasm. In short, they found the perfect home with Comatose Music, and anyone who has notifications on for New Standard Elite or Unique Leader’s Bandcamp pages should really be adding this to their wishlist.