Tag: Magister Templi

Last Rites’ Best Of 2015 – Combined Staff List

Hails and nails, fellow howlers at the moon. It’s time once again to gather about yon round table to celebrate/dispute the Kingdom of Heavy Metal’s top albums of the year. Having recently divulged our picks

Last Rites’ Favorite Album Artwork Of 2015 – Welcome To List Season

“Cry “Havoc!” and let slip the LISTS OF WAR!” Julius Caesar Act 3, scene 1 Welcome to list season, friends, that time of year when every music related site and ‘zine hopes to force their

Magister Templi – Into Duat Review

I sometimes struggle to get a review started because I feel I need some kind of opening hook to draw the reader in: a little foreplay before we get to the hardcore reviewing action, be

Last Rites’ Best Of 2013 – Combined Staff List

This is the end of the line. Well, not really. There’s still a full two weeks left in the year, and you’re still bracket-busting your way towards crowning a Metal Madness 2013 tournament champion. But as

Magister Templi – Lucifer Leviathan Logos Review

It might seem like a ludicrous notion, but a band can in fact sound completely unique without necessarily doing anything original. Some of the best restaurants might not have one original dish on the menu,